
Experienced healthcare tech solutions backed by the NHS. Essential solutions for essential workers.

Solutions the healthcare sector love

Fibre Optic Broadband

Computer Networks

CCTV & Security

Modernise your healthcare units with innovative, reliable tech that allows for the most efficient function for your vital services.

Our tech solutions look to ease the flow of your day-to-day whilst providing essential tech support for specific healthcare services. End-to-end solutions tailored to your healthcare needs.

Reliable and innovative healthcare solutions supporting you, your staff & your patients with…

Microsoft 365 domain hosting provides safe and reliable cloud technology.
Fast and efficient local IT support. Whether you need on site support or remote guidance, we’ll get it done that day.
Secure, centralised systems give you control over patient and staff information.

Positive can keep your business Allways connected

Give us a call on:

0800 1 444 100

Our opening hours are 8:30am-5:30pm Monday-Friday.